DIY Kleid aus Ferrero Rocher Geschenk Idee 👧 DIY Ferrero Rocher Doll 👧 Кукла из конфет ферреро роше
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Creative Tips from Lena is a channel where you can find a lot of decor tutorials . You will have a lot fun while crafting of christmas gnomes DIY - DIY Ferrero Rocher bouquet DIY - Rose Box DIY - DIY Gift Box - Floating cup of tea - DIY Jute Dreamcatcher Tree of Life DIY - DIY BIrthday balloons decor - Christmas decor - DIY Macrame bag DIY - DIY Makramee Tasche selber machen - DIY Schwebende Tasse - Traumfänger - Windlicht selber machen - Dekoration im Glas basteln - Schleife binden - Geschenke basteln mit Lena
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9 months ago 00:06:10 1
DIY Kleid aus Ferrero Rocher Geschenk Idee 👧 DIY Ferrero Rocher Doll 👧 Кукла из конфет ферреро роше
12 months ago 00:05:11 1
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