Nigel Farage lashes out in final speech in Brussels: We hate European Union, we NEVER come back!
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage tore into the European Parliament as he unleashed his final tirade after 20 years as an MEP.
He said: “A 47-year political experiment which the British have frankly never been very happy with. Not to flags anthems presidents and now you even want your own army.
“I’m hoping this begins the end of this project it’s a bad project it isn’t just undemocratic it’s anti-democratic and it gives people power without accountability people who cannot be held account by the elec
4 weeks ago 00:00:41 1
🇬🇧 #Brexit at #5 : No #10 #Says It Has #Benefits, But #Debate #Rages On
1 month ago 00:55:49 1
L’UE pronta ad annullare le elezioni in Germania - Stefano Orsi Giacomo Gabellini