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Researched and Written by Leila Battison
Narrated and Edited by David Kelly
Animations by Jero Squartini
Thumbnail art by Ettore Mazza:
Art by Joseph Ioseliani
Sound Editing by Jack White
If you like our videos, check out Leila’s Youtube channel:
Music from Epidemic Sound and Artlist
Stock footage from Videoblocks and Artgrid
Galaxies, space videos from NASA and ESO
Image Credits:
UY Scuti By ESO/Digitized
... Sky Survey 2 - DSS2: UY Sct&fov=&survey=P/DSS2/color, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Peter Higgs By Bengt Nyman - Flickr: IMG_7516, CC BY 2.0,
Particle collision By Brookhaven National Laboratory - @N07/6799740261/, CC BY 2.0,
Cloud Chamber by Stephen Curry, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
00:00 Introduction
05:44 1. The Planck Era: First Ten-Tredecillionth Of A Second
18:51 2. Grand Unification: First Undecillionth of A Second
26:56 3. Inflation: First Picosecond
41:43 4. The Higgs and Mass: First Billionth of a Second
56:06 5. Fine Tuning, Protons, Neutrons and Antimatter: First Millionth of a Second
1:13:23 6. Neutrinos and Primordial Black Holes: First Second
1:31:59 7. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: First Minute
1:44:12 8. The First Molecule: First 100,000 Years
1:54:59 9. First Atoms, First Light: First 380,000 Years
2:10:23 10: Dark Matter and Dark Energy: First Million YearsShow more