House Design With Extensive Balcony To Enjoy The Spectacular Views To The Nature

The house is projected as a device to observe and contemplate the valley from the eastern mountain. A volume that clings to it, penetrates, and flies at the same time. Two heavy floor slabs frame the horizon of the mountainous landscape. They organize and contain on the periphery the main spaces of the house and turn its gaze to the mountains. Courtyards of different proportions perforate them to generate accesses, lighting and ventilation for secondary spaces. The house is an extensive balcony to always be related to the valley, the mountains, the sunsets, the night, the distant city, and the changing landscape. Project name: Balcony House Architects: Bassico Arquitectos - Location: Medellín, Colombia Area: 8633 ft² Year: 2022 Photographer: Carlos Vélez - Director Design: Jorge Gaviria Conceptualization: Gabriel Martinez, José Rodas, David Marinez Architectural Details: Laura Molina, Jua
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