This is a musical animated film dedicated to Halloween in which the music of Michael Jackson accompanies the story of Vincent and Victoria, two boys who meet by chance on the night of October 31st. The two, along with the Ichabod dog, end up in front of the “This Place Hotel“ (a name that cites the 1980 Jackson song of the same name): it is from there that their adventure begins that will also lead them to dance with Michael Jackson himself. ► Follow me on my official music YouTube channel: ► Here the Full Version: Si tratta di un musical film d’animazione dedicato ad Halloween nel quale la musica di Michael Jackson accompagna la storia di Vincent e Victoria, due ragazzi che si incontrano per caso proprio la notte del 31 Ottobre. I due, insieme al cane Ichabod, finiscono davanti al “This Place Hotel“ (nome che cita l’omonima canzone di Jackson del 1980): è d
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