Baby cartoon full episodes & learning videos for kids - Hop Hop the owl funny songs.
Do you like to watch baby cartoon full episodes and funny learning videos for kids? Come and watch a new baby cartoon and sing-along to funny songs with Hop Hop the owl on our official channel! Sing, play and have fun with Peck Peck the Woodpecker and Hop Hop the Owl. Watch funny Hop Hop the owl dance videos for kids and listen to the best dance music for kids on Youtube. Come and sing 9 baby songs and nursery rhymes for babies - the Little Bird song, the Shoo Fly song, the Potty Training song, the Incy Wincy Spider song, the Wet and Dry song, the Ants Go Marching song, the Down By the Station song, the Inside and Outside song, and the Strong and Weak song for kids. Dance and laugh with Hop Hop baby owl!
00:01 - The Little Bird song for kids
01:35 - The Shoo Fly song for kids
04:00 - The Potty Training song for kids
06:46 - The Incy Wincy Spider song for kids
08:35 - The Wet and Dry song for kids
10:43 - The Ants Go Marching song for kids
12:42 - The Down By the Station
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