ROADRUNNER: NEW LIGHT, NEW MACHINE IS OUT NOW: Created by *UNCANNY Dir. George Muncey Prod: Elliott Elder LYRICS: (Dom McLennon) My momma said I didn’t come into this world with tears Instead I welcomed her with open eyes and open ears Became the glue to a few things that couldn’t be repaired We saw our future in each other blending hope and fear Some things you don’t get to decide, it’s just a fate you share I used to try to hold the weight that she would need to bear Watched uncles going on vacation for a couple years When they came back they needed clothes and had no souvenirs I pick up the phone They’re calling us from correction But nothing is wrong It’s filling my heart with questions My momma is home I’m following her expressions A drop in her tone Some things that she had to mention I nodded, I listened She had all of my attention When you on your own, there gonna be some directions I need you to follow and never make an exception I nodded, she held me and wished I
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