Most of these words are from the language of Quenya, but some words (mentioned above in the translation) are in Sindarian. Please remember people, I did not write this song, it was for a MUSICAL for Lord of the Rings. I only translated it using the books of Lord of the Rings.
So please if you have a problem with the actual song or language talk to the writers not me. I only translated, USING THE BOOKS . TOLKEIN WROTE!!!!
Lord of the Rings the Musical. I do not own this song, it’s from the musical and sung by the Women’s ensamble. Elvish Translation is in the video and box.
Elvish (Sindarin) Translation(In order of appearance)
Eä- The world/Universe
Arda-Name for Middle Earth in the “pre-historic“ age
Ainulindalë- The music of the Ainur, The “Great Music“, or The Great song
Aratar- “The Exalted“ The eight Valar of the greatest power
Maiar- Ainur of lesser degree then the Valar (Singular is Maia)
Rána- “The Wander“ name of the moon among the Noldor
Nénar- Name of a Star
Ilúvatar- Father of all
Ainur- The “holy“ ones, first beings created by Ilúvatar. The order of the Valar and Maiar, made before Eä
Valar- Those with power, first ones of the Ainur to enter Eä and assumed guarding and governing
Oromë- One of the Valar, the great hunter. Leader of the elves from Cuiviénen
Araw- Sindarin name for Oromë
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