THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES by Charles Darwin - FULL AudioBook P2of3 | GreatestAudioBooks V2

THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION by Charles Darwin - FULL AudioBook Part 2 of 3 | GreatestAudioBooks V2 - On the Origin of Species, published on 24 November 1859, is a work of scientific literature by Charles Darwin which is considered to be the foundation of evolutionary biology. Darwin’s book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection. It presented a body of evidence that the diversity of life arose by common descent through a branching pattern of evolution. Darwin included evidence that he had gathered on the Beagle expedition in the 1830s and his subsequent findings from research, correspondence, and experimentation. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia .org - Attribution: ) ► For FREE SPECIAL AUDIOBOOK OFFERS & MORE: ► Friend Us On FACEBOOK: http://w
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