Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il made Korea into a paradise

English Narration Kim Jong Il said he would make flowers bloom on a rock if that is the wish of people From the documentary: “Always Working Together for the People“ 1994 First song is “The party is our bosom“ (당의 품은 우리 사는 집) Second song is “Thinking of Mother“ (어머니 생각) This is the original video, the video called “North Korea - How Kim Il Sung Made Korea Into A Paradise“ is a copy of this one. Motherland Is the Cradle of My Life Candidate Academician, Professor and Doctor Kim Won Il, teacher of Kim Chaek University of Technology, says: “It is 70 years after the Korean people raised cheers of hurrah with the joy of national liberation. After the country was occupied by the Japanese imperialists, the Korean people had to live as slaves for tens of years. But when Korea was liberated on August 15, Juche 34 or 1945, they felt joy of nati
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