Authentic Music From Another Planet by Howard Menger
Authentic Music From Another Plant Full Song by Howard Menger
In the 1950’s Howard Menger claimed to be visited by friendly space people from other physical planets in other star systems in the universe. The friendly space people are concerned about the immorality and constant warfare on this planet. They see us as their brothers and sisters. They helped Menger to learn this song so it could uplift and evolve all those who willingly listen to it by unlocking from the subconscious feelings of universal love which is the feelings of compassion, morality, and understanding. They hope one day the Earth may be a moral and peaceful world so they can come to our planet openly and invite us to join their interstellar group.
The space friends I am referring to are the Space Friends of Adamksi, Menger and Fry. They are physical people just like us, and they come from other parts of the galaxy from other planets in other star systems in the third dimension or they live in giant ships.
Update 2017: The memory of Menger, Adamski, and other contactees was manipulated in order to believe the Space Friends were from Venus or Saturn when in fact they do not. The manipulation was intended to discredit the contactees. This can be seen in the book Mass Contacts by Breccia where it states:
Bruno Sammaciccia writes: The opposing groups would use their technology to do things to the Confederation contacts like: “…altering documents, changing memories, even wiping out somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…”
The Alliance have said similar things on their website.
The Spurious Contacts Files
This is why Adamki’s space ship photos were proven real by experts in the documentary Alien Contacts - The Best Evidence UFO Documentary by Michael Hesemann and at the same time science has shown there is definitely no advanced intelligent native life on Mars, Venus, the Moon, Saturn, ect.
And now the Song of Saturn from the album Authentic Music From Another Planet.
For more information in general please see among others:
Threads of Light to You by Connie and Howard Menger (1995)
From Outer Space To You by Howard Menger
UFO Secret: Alien Contacts - The Best Evidence UFO Documentary by Michael Hesemann
Inside the Spaceships by George Adamski
The Flying Saucers Have Landed by George Adamski
Cosmic Philosophy by George Adamski
The Science of Life by George Adamski
Telepathy: The Cosmic or Universal Language Volumes 1-3 by George Adamski
To Men of Earth Part 1 and 2 by Daniel Fry
My Trip To Mars, The Moon, and Venus by Buck Nelson
Mass Contacts by Stefano Breccia
50 Years of Amicizia by Stefano Brecca
If you wish, please practice listening to Menger’s song ‘The Song of Saturn’ available here:
The Friendship Case: The Extraordinary Story of Mass Alien Contact by Luca Trovellesi Cesana
The official Alliance TerraKor website (the Alliance are a different group from the Confederation): Links posted with permission from brother Bob for this youtube channel and for books by Lucus Louize during guest book communication in April 2018:
Alliance TerraKor home page:
No Moon Lake:
Spurious Contacts Files:
Master List of Planets 2.0:
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