This is a DIY Video on How To make a Night Stand with Cardboard and Shoe Boxes!
I used Rose Gold as the main Color for this Diy. There is an inbuilt storage in the Night Stand for Jewelry.
This is an Idea you can use to Decorate Your Homes with Items you May Already have at Home.
This is also a Home Decorating idea for Craft Lovers which the end result adds Uniqueness to the overall Presentation in the Home.
This is an Inexpensive yet sophisticated Diy that Shows Style and Elegance that is personalized on a Budget.
The key words“Cheap, Quick and Easy are words I keep in mind when Creat a Decor piece for the Home.
Mirror Mosaic Tiles:
Empty Box
2 photoboxes
Cake Platters
Left over foam board
Blue Velvet Fabric
Rose Gold Spray Paint
E6000 Glue
Pieces of Pvc Strip (Plastruct)
Nails and Hammer
Screws and a Drill gun (Link Below)
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