Strange Phenomenon Sighted Over Calgary, Canada ( February 5, 2021 )

STATEMENT : The WTF light : My family and I saw this strange light in the sky at about 5:30pm on February 5th 2021 in Calgary, Alberta. It was a pretty clear night, a few clouds. When we first noticed it, it was curved! When we pulled over to watch it, it straightened out. It had a little bit of a sharper beam in the middle, kind of greenish, then yellow as it spread out. It pulsated at an irregular rate quickly that my sister pointed out, I didn’t notice it because I was watching the recording on the phone. The pulsing doesn’t show on video, but you could see it clearly watching it live. Somehow that video is missing. It lasted about 3-4 mins and then it was gone, faded away from the top of the beam and the bottom of the beam, meeting in the middle. Couldn’t have been a massive laser because the beam would have been more concentrated, and a spot light would be even. It seemed like it created a mist around it. There was clouds above it, yet it didn’t shine on them. Just appeared in the middle of the sky, and
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