This episode I describe how we see, meaning how our eyes focus, convert light information into electricity the rest of the brain can understand and how our brain creates the incredible thing we experience as “sight”. I also describe how we can train and support our visual system to improve at any age. I describe more than a dozen protocols to support depth perception, offset near-sightedness, improve mood, sleep, and our ability to focus (both visual focus and our mental focus generally). I also explain how to use eyesight to improve our levels of alertness and why visual hallucinations, lazy eyes and colorblindness occur. I also describe various compounds that may assist in supporting visual health and possibly improve our vision. Many simple, zero-cost protocols and a lot of scientific mechanisms are covered in this episode in clear language anyone can understand-- it is for anyone that values their brain and their eyesight, whether young, adult-age or advanced age.
#HubermanLab #EyeSight #Vision
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Link to eye exercise videos for smooth pursuit, amblyopia, etc.
(Numbering of videos does correspond to numbers in episode caption.)
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:51 Protocol: Concurrent Training For Endurance, Strength, Hypertrophy
00:07:24 The Senses, Vision, Seeing & What We Should All Do To See Better
00:10:35 Our Eyes: What They Really Do, & How They Work
00:14:30 Converting Light Into Electricity Language: Photoreceptors, Retinal Ganglion Cells
00:17:00 We Don’t See Anything Directly: It Is All A Comparison Of Reflected Light
00:19:35 Dogs, Cats, Snakes, Squirrels, Shrimps, Diving Birds, & You(r View Of The World)
00:24:05 Everything You See Is A Best Guess, Blind Spots
00:25:50 Depth Perception
00:28:00 Subconscious Vision: Light, Mood, Metabolism, Dopamine; Frog’s Skin In Your Eyes
00:32:00 Blue-Yellow Light, Sunlight; & Protocol 1 For Better Biology & Psychology;
00:35:00 Protocol 2: Prevent & Offset Near-Sightedness (Myopia): Outdoors 2 Hours Per Day
00:42:00 Improving Focus: Visual & Mental; Accommodation, Your Pupils & Your Bendy Lens
00:48:50 Protocol 3: Distance Viewing For 20min For Every 90 Minutes of “Close Viewing”
00:52:20 Protocol 4: Self-Generated Optic Flow; Move Yourself Through Space Daily
00:54:26 Protocol 5: Be More Alert; Eyelids, Eye Size, Chin Position, Looking Up Versus Down
00:59:21 Protocol 6: Sleep In A Very Dark Room To Prevent Myopia (Nearsightedness)
01:02:55 Color Vision, Colorblindness, Use Magentas Not Reds,
01:04:32 Protocol 7: Keeping Your Vision Sharp With Distance Viewing Every Day
01:06:05 Protocol 8: Smooth Pursuit
01:08:48 Protocol 9: Near-Far Visual Training 2-3 Minutes 3-4 Times a Week
01:13:33 Protocol 10: Red Light, Emerging Protocol To Improve Photoreceptors & Vision
01:16:20 Dry Eyes; Blinking, Protocol 11
01:18:40 Lazy Eye, Binocular Vision, Amblyopia; Triggering Rapid Brain Plasticity; Protocol 12
01:24:48 Protocol 12: Determine Your Dominant Eye; Near-Far Training
01:27:57 Visual Hallucinations: The Consequence of An Under-Active Visual Brain
01:29:47 Protocol 13: Snellen Chart: A Simple, Cost-Free Way To Test & Maintain Vision
01:33:00 Vitamin A, Lutein, Idebenone, Zeaxanthine, Astaxanthin, Blood Flow
01:44:20 Summary of Protocols, Vital Point About Blood & Oxygen For Vision
01:46:00 Episode Length, Captions, Zero-Cost Support, Instagram, Searching Topics
The Huberman Lab Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.
Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac -