Extremely Rotten Flesh (Poland) - ...Preachers Of Gore (split w/ Pixidic Forced (Pol) - split from 2004).
Songs from Extremely Rotten Flesh:
1. Crusher (0’00-0’30)
2. Morbid Sacrifice (0’31-1’24)
3. Cutting (1,25-1’59)
4. Gripping (1’59-2’30)
5. Devastation (2,30-3’07)
6. Extinct Infection (3’07-3’36)
7. Stench Of Death (3’36-4’02)
8. Annihilation (4’03-4’34)
9 . Alcohol (4’35-4’43)
10. Oslepiona Kurwo Zdychaj (Necrophil cover) (4’44-5’00)
11. Stench of death (live) (5’01-5’25)
12. Annihilation (live) (5’26-5’55)
13. Alcohol (Live) (5’55-6’05)
14. Oslepiona
...Kurwo Zdychaj (Necrophil cover-live) (6’05-6’36)
15. Dream’s Lobotomy (Total Defeat cover -Live) (6’37-7’24)Show more