2023 Audi RS 7 performance (630hp) - Interior and Exterior Details - YouTube
Starting price of this model: ,00 EUR
Visual Review (interior and exterior) of the new 2023 Audi RS7 performance in Samtviolett pearl effect Paint-Nr.: Q87. #audi #rs7 #audirs7
Kraftstoffverbr.* komb.: 12,2 l/100 km - CO₂-Emissionen komb.: 276 g/km -
Motor/engine: 463 kW (630 PS)
Farbe (color): Samtviolett Perleffekt Lack-Nr.: Q87
🎼 music:
Duende - Syntropy
Pure Conscience - Elm Lake
Gasgrund - Strom
Sleeping Sails - Year of the Deer
Fjallsippa - Strom