【東方Vocal/Metalcore】 Empty 「Takamachi Walk」【ENG/JP Subtitles】
☆ミ Title: Empty
☆ミ Album: Wither
☆ミ Circle: Takamachi Walk
♬♪♫ ミ Vocals:
1一)Ryokodesu97 (りょ子)
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一 (Twitter)→
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♬♪♫ ミ Lyrics: Kafkafuura
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♬♪♫ ミ Arrangement: Wasi
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一 (Youtube)→
♬♪♫ ミ Original Composer: ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」
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☯彡 Original Title: 魔法少女達の百年祭 (Meaning “The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls“.) / Extra Stage Theme
☯彡 Source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Touhou Koumakyou, meaning “Eastern Lands of the Scarlet Devil“.)
✧彡 Event: Comic Market 97/C97 「コミックマーケット97」
✧彡 Release Date: Dec 31, 2019
✧彡 Website:
✧彡 Albu