●Barry Long speaks of real intelligence, so that you can see for yourself the beauty and wonder of this amazing intelligence behind all life. ●“There is only one real intelligence. And then there is relative intelligence. Real intelligence is the intelligence of the divine. Relative intelligence is our reflective, reasoning or self-conscious intelligence.“ ●“There is nothing to work (out) ≡ Rightness & Mastery are always an (inner) work“ ●“THE ONLY TRUTH IS TO BE (IN) YOUR SENSES“ ●’’THE ONLY POWER IS STILLNESS’ ●“TO STOP SUFFERING & RESTORE YOUR PRESENCE THEN (BE (IN) YOUR SENSES)“ ●“I AM THE ONLY I TO BRING (IN)TELLIGENCE INTO EXISTENCE“ ●“THE ROOT CAUSE OF ANY PROBLEM IS LACK OF LOVE“ ●“APPLY THESE 4 RULES TO RESOLVE ANY PROBLEM : COMMITMENT/NO-EMOTION/PRACTICE/PERSEVERANCE“ ●“THE ROOT CAUSE OF THINKING, FEELING &
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