Time To Remember - Time Of The Suffragettes 1911 - 1913 - Record D - Reel 1 (1911-1912)
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Reel 1. Continued
01:08:25 Western tourists walking and on horse back in foreign climes - there are palm trees in background. L/S pyramid in Egypt. Person rides on camel in foreground.
01:08:43 Troops parading at the Delhi Durbar, India. 1911. There is a military band in the parade. High angle shot of two elephants pulling a large decorated carriage. More decorated elephants carry people. L/S King George V and Queen Mary and other dignitaries under awning in large stadium for the Durbar. Dignitaries walk towards royal party to pay homage to the King Emperor.
01:09:26 Military parade in Germany. Troops on horse back ride down street. They are a band playing musical instruments. High angle shot of military parade - they wear plumed helmets.
01:09:45 Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany walks out of doorway. A small group of children gather round him. He talks to them for a moment and then m
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