Evander Holyfield vs James Tilis - Highlights (Holyfield BATTERS Tilis)

#boxing #slugfest #jamestilis #evanderholyfield #realdeal #heavyweightslugfest Why not try watch some boxing highlights here mate ?? Evander Holyfield previously defeated Carlos De León to add the WBC cruiser class title to the WBA and IBF versions he already had and became the first undisputed champion in the division’s history. After the win, Holyfield announced his focus on moving up to the heavyweight class and veteran fighter and former rival James Tillis was eventually crowned his first opponent. Holyfield is expected to be a future challenger for undisputed heavyweight champion Mike Ty...son, who was fought by Tillis two years before his bout with Holyfield. While Tillis would lose, he had an impressive performance against Tyson, being the first to go far with him and ending a 19-Tyson knockout stunt. Although he is no longer a contender, Tillis’s experience against some of the leading heavyweights led Holyfield organizer Dan Duva to choose him as Holyfield’s heavyweight opponent. [1] Til
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