‘CLARITY’ featuring Dean Lucas

Ever get sick of going through life not striving towards your true potential, not putting in 100% towards the things that give you true fulfilment, not putting your head down and blocking out all the unnecessary noise that life will constantly throw our way? I know I am.. Over the last couple of years I have pulled myself towards comfort and the easy way of doing things, as a result its left me not getting the most out of pretty much every situation I have put myself in, it has left me going through life somewhere in the middle, not too disappointed but also nowhere near fulfilled or content. This has left me thinking, what needs to change to pull me out of this way of being? At the end of the 2022 season I knew something had to change if I was to continue down this path, so I did what I think everyone should do when they are in a situation like mine, I stopped and analysed myself, I looked at the good, the bad and the really ugly in my past, present and future and came up with a new game
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