Eisenhower’s Press Conference (1956)

Unissued / unused material. President Dwight Eisenhower (Ike) gives press conference, Washington DC, United States of America (USA). M/S press photographers outside building. Various shots Eisenhower and entourage (bodyguards, advisors etc.) walking out of building and crossing street into another building. M/S Eisenhower and entourage entering conference room. Shots showing hurly burly as press cram into building. Various C/Us reporters telephoning their newspaper’s office. Clock on wall at 9:05. M/S photographers. Various shots reporters queueing. M/S coats in cloak room. More shots queue. Various shots men operating tape recorder. C/U Presidential seal. C/U typing machine (of type used in courtrooms). Various shots press entering conference room. Clock at 10:05. Various shots reporters taking notes. M/S television / newsreel cameramen. More shots reporters taking notes. L/S press in gallery. Clock at 10:30ish. Date on original dope sheet is 01/03/1956. FILM ID:
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