C&Rsenal presents its Primer series where we delve into the story of this classic firearm. Complete with history, function, and live fire demonstration.
C&Rsenal continues to present in-depth small arms history every other week. Join us each Tuesday!
Tenacious Trilobite
Indiegogo Campaign 2023 - Soft Shirts:
We are a patron funded production, so please consider supporting the continuation and growth of this content at:
Prints/patches/shirts from the show:
Additional reading:
Kongsberg Colten
Karl Egil Hanevik
Colt .45 Service Pistols: Models of 1911 and 1911A1
Charles W. Clawson
Colt Automatic Pistols
Donald B. Bady
Ammunition data thanks to DrakeGmbH
Animations by Bruno!
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