Interview #6 @MAZA4KST [ RU/ENG ] / part1 ENG SUBTITLES- Escape From Tarkov

#escapefromtarkovmobile #tarkov #eft #eft #escapefromtarkov #streamers #interview #tarkov is part1- Time4Secrets, part2 is currently in preparation. 😄 Hello 💚 this is my first interview in RU. There has never been a format like this before, and I hope you enjoy it. Get to know the streamers from a different perspective, learn their life stories and more. Today’s interview with @MAZA4KST was a lot of fun, but at the same time serious at times. What questions did @MAZA4KST answer ? Enjoy watching. 🎬 MAZA4KST thank you so much for your confidence (you didn’t know the questions), motivation and positive energy. 💚 I invite you to join MAZA4KST on social media and invite you to his streams: ➡ 💪 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ MY SOCIALS- LINKS➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ TWITCH ✔️ https://t
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