Молитвенная песня “Nimne Dharanir“ в исполнении Рамиты | Музыка Шри Чинмоя
The source of the video “Nimne Dharanir / Earth prayer offering“
From the channel @ramitamadhu @ramitamadhu
Words, music and translation by Sri Chinmoy. Performed by Ramita.
The song “Nimne Dharanir Gati Durbar“ was composed on Dec. 9th, 1997.
Nimne dhărănir găti durbār
Thāmāo thāmāo prānănāth ăvătār
Below is the indomitable
O Avatar, Lord Supreme of my life,
Do stop and silence it.
Внизу – неукротимый
Поток невежества.
О Аватар, Господь Всевышний моей жизни,
Останови его и заставь замолчать.
Song in:
Eso Eso Prabhu, Part 1
If you would like to support Ramita, subscribe to her channel @ramitamadhu, or get the audio tracks in a higher sound quality here on her Bandcamp site:
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About the Composer
Sri Chinmoy (Chinmoy Kumar Ghosh) was born in the small village of Shakpura in East Bengal (now Bangladesh) in 1931. He was the youngest of seven children. In 1944, when both his parents passed away, 12-year-old Chinmoy entered the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, a spiritual community near Pondicherry in South India. Here he spent the next 20 years in spiritual practice, including long hours of meditation, practicing sports, and writing poems, essays, and spiritual songs.
In his early teens, Chinmoy had many deep inner experiences, and in later years he reached very advanced states of meditation. In 1964 he moved to New York City to share his inner wealth with sincere seekers in the West.
Sri Chinmoy sees aspiration-the heart’s ceaseless striving toward ever higher and deeper realities-as the spiritual force behind all great achievements in religion, culture, sports, and science. By dwelling in the heart and striving for constant self-exaltation, all human beings can bring out the best in themselves and find their way to true fulfillment. According to Sri Chinmoy, “Our goal is to go from the bright to the brighter and to the brightest, from the high to the highest and to the highest. And even in the highest there is no end to our progress, for God Himself is within each one of us, and God transcends His own Reality at every moment.“
Sri Chinmoy’s life has been an expression of boundless creativity. His vast activities spanned the fields of music, poetry, painting, literature and sports. His contributions to each of these fields were astounding and ahead of his time.
Sri Chinmoy published about 1600 books during his lifetime, wrote over 120,000 poems and composed over 21,000 songs. He gave 777 Peace Concerts, created over 140,000 Jharna Kala paintings, and drew over 16,000,000 soul bird drawings. He has also run 22 marathons and several ultra marathons and lifted unimaginable weights.
Sri Chinmoy also initiated several worldwide programs, including the Peace Run. He called himself a student of peace (Student of Peace).
Video of Sri Chinmoy:
Mridanga Spencer
SriChinmoy Videos
SriChinmoy Inspiration-Heart-World
Sri Chinmoy Global Family
Sri Chinmoy`s music - performed by disciples
Vasudeva Server
Sanjay Rawal
Books by Sri Chinmoy (read online)
Books by Sri Chinmoy (buy, English)
About the Author
Music by Sri Chinmoy
Jharna-kala paintings and graphics
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