London Auxiliary Fire Brigade Parade (1939)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The London Auxiliary Fire Service parades in London Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: London . on Parade ENGLAND: London: Various: EXT The London Auxiliary Fire Service parades in London, including the River Service spraying water and a speech by Herbert Morrison AIR RAIDS & “.“ Volunter fire Service & Ambulance Service parade at County Hall - Firefloats AMBULANCE In Portsmouth . practice. FIRE ENGINES & FIRE PREVENTION Auxillary fire Service parade at County Hall. ALSO Firefloats on river. MORRISON Herbert. Speaks on . & Peace. Civil Defence; Ceremonies - Miscellaneous Background: The London Auxiliary Fire Service parades in London FILM ID: VLVA224Z13SKGV0RGK9RV0I5ZXIV0 To license this film, visit
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