SCARIEST Warhammer Army in the World? Speed Painted in 24hrs!
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In this video I challenged myself to Build, Paint and Base an ENTIRE Warhammer Age of Sigmar Army in the Scariest and most Horrific theme I could in 24hrs!
This Nighthaunt Army was part of my pile of shame and the painting challenge was used as painting motivation to paint these amazing miniatures. It took me approximately 24hrs to Build, Paint and Part base them, I took an extra hour add to some of the bases.
I managed this feat by speed painting/batch painting the entire army - painting models and focusing on the same colours on each model until they were all done. This way of painting is super efficient and quick!
I used a mixture of Citadel Contrast Paints to lay down some base layers of colour, over a zenithal highlight colour. I then used some Enamel Paints, some Oils paints and Citadel Technical paints to weather the models and make them look grimy and more realistic - ie Grimdark. This style is also called Blanchitsu, which is named after the legendary Warhammer Artist John Blanche. I then used a selection of Inks to do an OSL – object source lighting effect/ glow effect on the models with flames or candles.
If you like the guide then please subscribe! Its free and motivates me to make more videos. Why not use the guide to paint your own miniatures and get rid of your own backlog/pile of shame.
Covered in this guide - How to -
-paint rusty weapons
-grim dark style
-autumnal bases
In this guide I paint 105 models! -
Lady Olynder
Reikenor the Grimhailer
Knight of Shrouds
6 Dreadblade Harrow
50 Chainrasp Horde
Tomb Banshee
10 Dreadscythe Harridans
13 Glaivewraith Stalkers
8 Myrmourn Banshees
Guardian of Souls
Spirit Torment
4 Grimghast Reapers
Lord Executioner
Briar Queen
@GrimdarkCompendium is a huge inspiration for this scheme and techniques and .. are the God of Grimdark! Check Them out!
Also @MarcoFrisoniNJM is so knowledgeable and has taught me a lot about OSL and oils! NOT JUST MECHA! Check his channel out!
Music - Godmode - ’Future Rennaisance’, ’Blacksmith’ and ’Traversing’
Products I used -
Model Glue -
Black primer -
White primer -
Bone Paint -
Citadel Contrasts -
Blood Angels Red -
Militarum Green -
Plaguebearer Flesh -
Iyanden Yellow -
Gryph-Hound Orange -
Wildwood -
Skeleton Horde -
Basilicanum Grey -
Blood for the Blood God -
AK Interactive
Dark Earth/Mud –
Rust Streaks -
Metallics -
Vallejo Dull Aluminium -
Retributor Armour –
Oils -
Windsor and Newton Black Oil Paint -
Pigment powder -
Eco Friendly Cotton buds -
Ink set -
Vallejo Game Ink -
Cheap leaf punch -
Cheap Brushes I use -
My Airbrush
Iwata Neo -
If you were after a cheap airbrush then this would be good -
This channel is about painting converting and kitbashing miniatures for your warhammer & d&d games, Age of sigmar, warhammer 40k games and Necromunda. I will maybe paint Space Marines, Space Wolves, Stormcast Eternals, cities of sigmar, chaos space marines, painting scale models or miniature busts in the future. I’ve done how to paint guides you could use them for how to paint d&D I may do a conversion guide for Darktide or Dark tide however it is spelled. And in the future I will build and paint some terrain for my miniature war gaming wargaming hobby. I will be painting up the Dominion Box too!
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#newaos #paintingwarhammer #warhammercommunity #nighthaunt #warhammerfantasy #grimdark #warhammerpainting #ageofsigmar #blanchitsu #speedpaint #weathering #warhammer #ladyolynder #wip #miniaturepainting #chainrasphorde #colourforge #akinteractiveofficial #akinteractive #reikenorthegrimhailer #aos #armypainting #nighthaunts #nighthauntarmy #glaivewraithstalkers #chainrasp #myrmournbanshees #dreadscytheharridans #ageofsigmarminiature #gloweffect #osl
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SCARIEST Warhammer Army in the World? Speed Painted in 24hrs!
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