при участии Аллергологической лаборатории АМН СССР, 1972
В фильме показаны особенности возникновения атопической астмы, её патогенетического механизма, причины возникновения и методика диагностики инфекционно-аллергической астмы, её патогенеза, разделения атопической и инфекционно-аллергической астмы, принципов и методов их лечения.
with the participation of the Allergological Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, 1972
The film shows the features of the occurrence of atopic asthma, its pathogenetic mechanism, the causes and methods of diagnosing infectious-allergic asthma, its pathogenesis, the separation of atopic and infectious-allergic asthma, the principles and methods of their treatment.
cum participatione Allergological Officinarum INSECTA Academiae Medical Scientiarum, 1972
Duis ostendit features of eventum atopic asthma, eius pathogenetic mechanism, causas et modos diagnosing contagione-allergic asthma, eius pathogenesis, separationem atopic et contagione-allergic asthma, principia et modos eorum curatio.
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