GH5S hands-on in lowlight- 4K -Dual ISO - There is a new sheriff in town
I just have had the opportunity to shoot with that brand new GH5s in really low light condition.
This camera is amazing !
No light at all , as I measured the light with my flashmeter at : ISO 100, f 2.0 at a shutter speed at 1“ . So basically ...dark ! :)
I did shoot those images at both 3200 and 6400 , that camera sees brighter then the human eyes.
This dual iso is just amazing. I total love with that cam !
BACKSTAGE VIDEO SHOOTED WITH A GH5 AT 3200iso interesting also to compare with the image coming from the GH5S ! Much cleaner even at 6400 !
Of course there is also the Youtube and mp4 compression to consider as well .
ps : handheld ! Yes ! all the way
Equipment :
Body : GH5s preprod.
Backstage images : GH5
Lens : 25mm Leica Summilux
Lens : Leica Nocticron
Cage : 8Sinn
Atomos Ninja inferno