The biggest barriers to bike commuting and tips for overcoming them

I started this channel to help more people make the bike a bigger part of their lives. But it can be difficult to start bike commuting, especially in those cities that have yet to see the benefits of a proper network of safe bike routes. There can be barriers, both internal and external, to bicycle commuting. This video is my attempt to help overcome those barriers. I’ve collected a list of barriers and I’m sharing the tips I’ve picked up over the year to overcome those barriers. I suffered so you don’t have to. 0:00 Introduction 0:55 Barrier 1: I don’t have the right kind of bike 1:29 Things to look for in a good commuter bike 2:00 My bike recommendation for a short commute 2:26 My bike recommendation for a medium-length commute 2:50 My bike recommendation for a longer commute 3:30 Barrier 2: I don’t know what to wear on my bike commute 4:39 Barrier 3: I don’t want to get sweaty on the way to work 6:25 Barrier 4: I have too much stuff to carry 7:44 Barrier
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