CGI Animated Short Film: “Sonder“ by Neth Nom | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Sonder Animated Short Film by Neth Nom. Featured on CGMeetup
For years, Finn and Natalie walked the same path. But when their time together comes to an end, Finn finds himself lost in a mysterious land. Paralyzed by the fear of moving on, he is at risk of losing himself. Through self-discovery, Finn must gather the strength to forge a new way forward.
Writer & Director: Neth Nom
Producer: Sara K. Sampson
Technical Supervisor: Andrea Goh
Creative Manager: Yee Sum Hoi
CG Supervisor: Farhez Rayani
Cast: Mike Forst (Finn), Jessica Kitchens (Natalie)
Music & Sound: Kevin Dusablon & Mike Forst
Sonder is a film that explores the intensity and range of emotions following the end of a relationship. We all have seen many movies that focus on how a couple either met or ended their relationship. We want to tell a story that centers on the emotional journey after a breakup. Love can put you in a vulnerable state. Yet, such vulnerability allows us to feel more deeply and, most importantly, allows us to grow. We hope that this film will inspire viewers to look forward and not be afraid of the path that lies ahead.
One of the most innovative aspects of our film’s production is that we use Unity to render in real time. Our goal is to push this technology so that viewers can no longer distinguish between a film that was made in Hollywood versus a film that was made in a game engine. Regardless of how Sonder is made, we hope that people will fall in love with Finn as much we have and experience his journey.
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CGI Animated Short Film: “Sonder“ by Neth Nom | CGMeetup
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