4:05 - Leach breaks the, then, record for playoff goals (0-1 Flyers)
26:14 - Turnovers kill the Habs, as Lonsberry pots one after killing a penalty (0-2 Flyers)
28:56 - Fight - Tremblay/Bouchard - Schultz/Seleski
44:30 - End of 1st period
54:05 - Habs have their first successful breakout of the series, and Roberts is the open man (1-2 Flyers)
56:14 - !
58:28 - Fight - Lambert/Seleski
1:01:21 - Robinson from the Big M - (2-2)
1:04:32 - Big save from Dryden
1:12:15 - Big save from Stephenson
1:28:58 - End of 2nd period
1:37:56 - Bouchard takes down Mel Bridgman and stuns him - what a tragedy
1:40:08 - Flyers power play takes down Habs PK - (2-3 Flyers)
1:46:33 - Lemaire with a wicked backhander (3-3)
2:04:10 - Meat and Potatoes of game culminated by Guy LaPointe bullet slapshot to put the game in the winner’s column for the Habs with 1st lead of night (4-3 Habs)
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