2000’s Tuning - Project: Racing Evolution

This is a video project I made for another page of mine which is called “2000’s Tuning“. The page is about showing the good old days where street racing was rising, car meets were filled with extremely tuned cars, everyone had bodykits and wings and also, creativity. Each 1000 likes I decided to make a milestone post, and this here is for celebrating 7000 likes on the page. The idea behind this is: What if there was a DVD collection which includes some of the best street racing movies and other car video stuff from the 2000’s? This. It all started out with me just playing around in Vegas 11, and ended up in my having an awesome idea that started out with an altered version of the “Gran Turismo 3 Race Select“ screen. The same day when I went to sleep, I had the thought of replacing the small icons for the tracks with small thumbnails that are related to the movie it’s representing. After that I started to think what I should do with that idea, so I came to the conclusion that I should make a compilation as a sort of Bonus video which would be included in that made up DVD. The thing I really wanted this to be is authentic, so I decided to really stick to the 4:3 theme, even if some of the clips used here are actually in 16:9. For the full expeirence, I recommend watching the video in 480p. Also, just to mention this, this is my first time making an actual video with a Software that is not Windows Movie Maker. I didn’t have good enough hardware until a month ago when I got my hands on a new computer. I hope that the time and effort that went into this will be valued.
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