Qeight - Long Way Home

«I walk and my pace is the pace of this side of the street, this street, this neighborhood. I am responsible, and rightly so, for all attacks against doors, on the boards of the tables, for all toasts drunk, for the lovers in their beds, in the scaffolding of the new buildings, pressed against the walls of houses in dark alleys, on the divans of the brothels. I weigh my past against my future, but find both excellent, no one can give either the preference and only the injustice of Providence, which favors me so, I have to blame. Only as I step into my room, I’m a little thoughtful, without having found anything worth reflecting upon as I climbed the stairs. It helps me not much, that I open the window completely and that in a garden the music is still playing». Cosmicleaf Records: Multilink: #qeight #eliamweise #cosmicleaf #futuregarage #chillstep #meditative #chillout #downtempo #cinematic
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