The Fallen Devastator - Supreme Minecraft Boss trailer + cinematic

WANT THIS ON YOUR SERVER? AVAILABLE ON ! Also check the volume 1 of this amazing pack! Original Soundtrack: Forsaken by God The fallen heroes Original soundtrack, by Endesman (E-magination Studios) 0:00 Cinematic trailer: the return 0:45 Ultimate ability: The ravage 0:57 Immersive combat experience 1:22 Dynamic AI - Jumps/gapclosers 1:50 Custom sounds showcase 2:08 General combat spotlights 2:44 Final cutscene so they look cool xd One of the most complex bosfights ever made, the return of the Fallen order brings a whole new perspective for ModelEngine/Mythicmobs bosses or mobs, with brilliant sound design, clever AI, plenty of skills and animations, and one of the most beautiful visual effects out there! The Devastators or Ravagers, were from the highest rank soldiers amongst the order of the wardens. With thei
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