This may not be the craziest build I’ve ever made, but it is by far the most enjoyable. An apocalypse ready melee tank build for Remnant 2 and its new DLC, the Awakened King, that breaks the apocalypse difficulty. On top of it being an amusingly enjoyable braindead build, it is able to break boss AI as well as negate boss grabs, which are infamously complained about wherever I go.
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Loadout Calculator(Updated):
Damage Reduction and EHP Explained:
Crystal vs Resonating Heart - Meaningful Healing:
The Masochist Tank Build:
Co-op Ta
...nk(Old, but doesn’t need updating lol):
Crystal Heart Tank(Old, will update upon new release):
FIGHTS USING THE VIDEO’S SETUPS(All of these should be uploaded now):
Annihilation -
Bloat King -
Bruin -
Cancer -
Corruptor -
Dullain -
Faelin -
Kaeula’s Shadow -
Nightweaver -
One True King -
Ravager -
Red Prince -
Sunken Witch -
Tal Ratha (Meta) -
Tal Ratha (Phys) -
00:00 Premise
00:32 What has changed?
00:56 What are we using?
02:01 Why are we using them?
02:05 Damage Reduction
03:36 Melee Functionality
06:56 Attack Time vs Attack Speed
08:06 Abilities/Mods
08:50 Breaking Bosses
09:34 Negating Grabs
10:14 “What’s the Point?“
10:54 Build Variants
11:09 Variant #1
13:37 Variant #2
15:00 Flail Enjoyers
16:02 Closing Notes
16:40 OutroShow more