PassCode / MISS UNLIMITED Tour 2016 in Studio Coast, Tokyo -Digest-

PassCode Major 2nd Single “bite the bullet“ April 19th 2017 on store iTunes Store link is coming soon. “bite the bullet (Limited Edition CD DVD)“ CD 01. bite the bullet 02. カタルシス DVD “PassCode MISS UNLIMITED Tour 2016 at STUDIO COAST-“ MISS UNLIMITED Toxic Nextage 激動プログレッシブ Cry Out TRACE AXIS Club Kids Never Die XYZ ドリームメーカー オレンジ Never Sleep Again Kissの花束 Now I Know アスタリスク MOON PHASE from here NINJA BOMBER Seize the day!! Link [amazon japan] [amazon japan with a sticker] [CD web store CDJAPAN for outside Japan] “bite the bullet (Standard Edition)“ CD 01. bite the bullet 02. LOST [amazon japan] [amazon japan with a sticker] [CD web store CDJAPAN for outside Japan] Official site Twitter Facebook (in English)
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