.white_magic is one of our projects to create an algorithmic machine that can take input such as fret, rhythm variations, and probabilities, and generate rough drafts of music compositions.
We wanted to capture the emotion behind these small pieces that inspired us to create this machine. This feeling stems from our fascination with the theory of sound and our admiration for the architectonic of sound, as well as the logical challenges involved in working with it. The process resembles watching an act of white magic – the magic of creativity, incredible and meticulous, yet still raw and chaotic at its core.
We have attempted to capture this emotion in an algorithm, which also generates the visual aspect of the fragments. These images represent abstract light structures that are constantly changing and adapting. They symbolize the process of creation and transformation, giving the impression of energetic clouds in constant motion and transition from one state to another. The shape of these clouds is closely related to the architecture of the sounds in the musical composition, visually reflecting its structure and dynamics.
Krassa Vsevolod & Elizaveta Fomina
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