Date A Bullet - Dance with Bullets (feat. Rena) 【Intense Symphonic Metal Cover】

▶️ 👍 smash that like and subscribe for more! 🔔 Dance with Bullets (Kurumi Tokisaki vs White Queen fight theme) from Date A Bullet OST in Intense Symphonic Metal Cover / Epic Metal Remix version. 🎼 Also, check out my chill music channel ►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►►► ✍️ original track: Go Sakabe - Dance with Bullets 🔨 transcribed, arranged, and produced by Michał “FalKKonE“ Sokołowski 🎤 vocals by Rena 🖼️ thumbnail from DAB LN Vol 3 🎨 art by ハオ ►►►►►►►►►►&
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