No Gym, No Supplements, Shredded AF | Jacked Brothers Natty?

The “Jacked Brothers“, “Jackey Brothers“ or “Jacked Boys“ - i found half a dozen names for them - have become very popular for the message they’re bringing to the people - that you don’t need any fancy equipment to build an amazing physique - you can do it at home - or in their case - in your backyard. And that you don’t need any fancy supplements either.... Sadly, as is common with the fitness industry in general, they aren’t being quite transparent about how they got to where they are, and it’s damaging a lot of people. So today, we’ll dive into the world of teenage sarm gobbling, steroid users, and fake natties, who keep popping out at every corner to capitalize on people’s insecurities. Steroid use can be pretty dangerous if not done the right way with medical professionals checking on you - even more so when it comes to teenagers taking steroids or sarms, where yo know they definitely aren’t working with doctors.
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