6 Inch Dino Thunder Blue/Mighty Morphin Red/Dino Charge Pink Review [Power Rangers Beast Morphers]

Power Rangers Beast Morphers season 2 features a special dino team-up with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers Dino Thunder, and Power Rangers Dino Charge. Hasbro has released a set of 6 inch action figures to commemorate this team-up, and the set features Dino Thunder Blue, Mighty Morphin Red, and Dino Charge Pink. These figures are the same scale and have the same articulation as the 6 inch Beast Morphers figures, so they fit right in. Overall, I think these look pretty good. Dino Charge Pink’s helmet could be better, but Mighty Morphin Red’s helmet is better than the Lightning Collection one. The paint and articulation for this price point and scale is good enough. If you’re a fan of any of these Power Rangers, then I’d recommend picking up this set.
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