Mindfucker - Zombie Panic (DUBSTEP) [HD]

PLEASE READ THIS ! and the name of the movie which this picture is from is “Død snø“ or Dead Snow. And to the people saying: “where is the drop.. why isn’t this like skrillex, this is not dubstep,,,“ First of all if you look i uploaded this tune almost year ago, so this is not my best work, but there is a drop and there is a bass... its called a sub bass and this tune is supposed to be muddy and low.. so if you are not listening with ipod headphones or your grandmas laptop speakers than you would feel the bass.... so please don’t make a fool of your self by saying i have to make real dubstep like for you less educated people you can read about dubstep here : just relax and enjoy the different types of dubstep because if all music would sound the same life would be
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