20230523_Episode 3: Make a Chrome Extension by Daniel Kelly: Forge
Daniel Kelly, the Master of Code at Forge, returns to guide you for another, final exercise of Episode 3.
In this exercise, our goal is to turn the app we’ve built into a handy Chrome extension!
It will take in the URL of the current tab and automatically generate posts and images with a click of the extension icon.
Tune in and learn how to make your own Chrome Extension!
Preparation Guide:
Walkthrough of the Boilerplate:
Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:
Before diving into Exercise 5, are you up for a challenge? Let’s code out the UI for the main part of the application as a homework exercise and hook it up to the chat API. This includes the form for providing the article URL and output for the generated announcements.
Check out the exercise here:
Exercise 5:
Exercise 6:
Exercise 7:
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