La Publicitie Qui A Precede Le Plebiscite Hitler Aka Election In Berlin (1933)

Unused / unissued material - no paperwork - dates unclear or unknown French title reads: “Allemagne. La publicite qui a precede le plebiscite Hitler.“ Germany. Various views of streets hung with Swastika flags. Various posters, badges, etc to encourage people to vote yes in the plebiscite to give Adolf Hitler even greater power in Germany - 1933. Slogans are painted on walls, trains etc. French title reads: “Les Elections Allemandes“. Introductory intertitle reads: “Venredi 3 Mars, les ’Nazis’ defilent a Berlin devant le ministre Goring“. Nazi supporters in uniform march behind a band down a large street. Intertitle reads: “Samedi soir, 4 Mars, dans toute l’Allemangne, le Parti National-Socialiste organise une retraite aux flambeaux.“ Top view of torchlight parade through streets of Berlin. Nazi supporters throw their torches on pile. More shots of parade. Intertitle reads: “Dimanche 5 Mars, jour des elections, 25,000 Casques d’Acier defilent a Berlin devant lear cher, le ministre S
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