#Аид #Гадес
#fanvidfeed #hades #mythology #greekmythology
Watch in HD, please!
It’s been a long time since I uploaded a new video. I am very sorry for this. So especially for my 900 subscribers, I declare my timeout is complete. Just today, I decided to dedicate a new video to my fav God in whole Greek mythology. This is an aesthetic mashup in which I used images that remind me of Hades. I see him in Jude Law, Tom Hiddleston, Ralph Fiennes, Ian Bohen, Matthew Goode, Adrien Brody, Colin Farrell, Theo Hutchcraft and Luke Evans.
Also I edited video abot Hades & Dark!Persephone, but it was deleted because of rights. You can see it here:
Video about Hades & Persephone in two parts:
Toss a coin to your vidder
O’ Valley of Plenty
Theme: Mythology fancasts
Program : Sony Ve