USA / BAHAMAS: Dust storms in the USA; Duke and Duchess of Kent visit the Bahamas (1935)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Dust storms in the USA; Duke and Duchess of Kent visit the Bahamas. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: USA: TERRIFIC DUST STORMS SWEEP U.S., GALE STRIPS TOP SOIL FROM VAST AREA .: Terrific Dust Storms Sweep U.S. Western U.S., . Pan. of field during storm and pan. of road during storm. Back view of auto into dust. Long view of Horses and carts towards thru dust. Semi view of woman in Duststorm. Semi view of train past in storm. Gen. view of man in storm on railway track clearing dust away. SLATE INFORMATION: NASSAU: DUKE AND DUCHESS OF KENT VISIT BAHAMAS ON HONEYMOON TOUR Nassau, West Indies, Bahamas: Gen. view of city of Nassau. Semi view of Duke & Duchess out of plane, long view walking towards. Semi view of black people waving. CU. of Duke and Duchess into car. Semi view pan. of Duke and Duchess driv
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