do the laundry

Hello! How are you? I hope you’re all fine and dandy. Do or make? That is the question!🙌 Let’s delve into the differences between the two verbs meaning “делать”. PART 1. “Do” usually refers to housework🧹💨 🧹💨Do the cleaning: Perform general cleaning tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. 🧹💨Do the cooking: Prepare and cook meals or dishes. 🧹💨Do the dishes: Wash and clean the dirty dishes. 🧹💨Do the laundry: Wash, dry, and fold the clothes. 🧹💨Do the ironing: Press and remove wrinkles from clothes using an iron. 🧹💨Do the shopping or do the grocery shopping: Buy food and other household items from the grocery store. 🧹💨Do the gardening: Take care of plants, mow the lawn, and maintain the garden. Is there any task that you avoid at all costs? Have you got any tips on how to enjoy them more? Share in the comments!👇Have a great day! Bye! P.S.: I forgot to do the laundry :) #phrases #английский #обучениеанглийскому #репетиторанглийского #курсыанглийского #английскийонлайн
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