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Cover Photo by Myriam Laroche:
Video by Jeremy Menduni
Freestyle Mountain Biking video by The Rise
In case you didn’t make it to Mont-Tremblant 2 weekends ago, you missed a pretty cool event; our Double Trouble Dirt Jump Jam. To make it brief, we were given the opportunity to build jumps and hold a demo during Mont-Tremblant’s Canada Cup, and in a true The Rise fashion, it turned out dope as f*ck! While the weekend was mainly focused around XC, DH and Enduro races, the whole mountain biking community was extremely supportive towards Dirt Jum, and it was beautiful to see. After all, it’s hard not to have a good time when jumping bikes with the homies, especially with a great crowd like that! Peep the video video of the event, and mark your calendars for next year’s Double Trouble!
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