UK now implicated in Israel’s attacks on Beirut!

Issues of arms sales to Israel are hammering the Labour government again, this time implicating them in recent Israeli attacks on Beirut. Right, so while the UK is facing a day in the Hague along with the US for being complicit in the actions by Israel against he people of Gaza, now the rap sheet against the UK may be about to grow due to potentially being implicated in the recent strikes on Lebanon, particularly Beirut and once more it comes down to those arms export licences the UK has suspended a tiny fraction of, but refuses to cancel more of them and it is one of those that might now be carrying further legal consequences for the UK. Along with the UK government, arms sales executives could also find themselves having a day in the dock and it once more centres around the export of F-35 fighter jet parts, something the UK government felt it could get away with because they don’t end up directly supplied to Israel and could therefore not be held accountable for the blue and white state getting hold of them, well it seems they are very wrong and as recent acts of atrocity in Lebanon has now shown, it might not just be in relation to Gaza the UK government finds itself criminally liable in relation to now either. Right, so it’s a pretty safe assumption at this point to say the Israeli government, the Netanyahu regime, is out of control and with no restraint being levied on them, with the US consistently providing cover to them along with other close allies like the UK government of that Zionist without qualification Keir Starmer, they are becoming more and more emboldened to not even try and hide the genocidal actions they are intent on carrying out, not in anyway seeking to reduce the conflict happening in the Middle East, but expand it as much as it likes in order to, they hope, eventually bring in western forces to aid them. As they continue to pound Gaza however, more and more Israeli focus is on Lebanon, a nation they have invaded before and are intent on doing so again. Where the likes of the US and UK might have provided diplomatic cover for the atrocities committed against Occupied Palestinian Territories though, taking on a UN member state with full voting rights is another kettle of fish completely and is a much harder sell, but of course the complicity may already be there for having aided Israeli militarily and everything we have witnessed over the past almost year in Gaza and now more and more in Lebanon and especially Beirut. The issue facing the UK at this point is the ongoing supply of F-35 jet parts when F-35 jets are being supplied to Israel. Even though we only make certain parts of these jets in the UK, according to Middle East Eye, the UK contribute about 15% of the entire jet, the government excuse is that these parts go to third parties and not Israel directly, for further assembly, this is now facing a challenge, a judicial review, in the High Court. ***Subscribe to the channel here*** ►ABOUT ME: Hi, I’m Damien Willey. I’m a former welder, but now I’m a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on ) I’m an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism. This channel, along with my other social media act as outlets to push back against that, to demand better of our politicians and leaders, to pull apart the media spin that supports them and the way the UK is run and to give a voice, loud as mine is, to the voiceless. ►CONTACT: Email: @ ►SUPPORT: If you appreciate the importance of alternative media in the UK and enjoy my work please consider financially supporting it. Various options to suit all budgets, please visit to find out more. Please support Independent Media. ►SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Alternatively please share this video on your favourite social media & if you’d like to see what I get up to elsewhere, yoy can also find links to my presence elsewhere at Damo Rants Kernow Damo israel,israel news,israel war,gaza,lebanon,lebanon news,beirut,israel lebanon,beirut lebanon,hezbollah,israel lebanon border tensions,israel lebanon cross border fighting,israel strikes southern lebanon,lebanon beirut,beirut explosion,israel attacks beirut,uk beirut,uk israel,uk lebanon,al-haq,glan,global legal action network,f-35 beirut attack,uk f-35 parts,f-35 israel,f-35 attack,kernow damo,kernowdamo,damo rants,israel declares war on lebanon
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