1920’s Best american popular female singers mix vol.1

From Ill rec’s “1920’s american popular female singers anthology“ ; best of the 1920’s decade : 26 songs , 78 minutes non-stop mix ; featuring Margaret Young, Marion Harris, Ada Jones , Elsie Clark, Vaughn Da Leath, Aileen Stanley & Bill Murray, The Brox Sisters, Jane Green, Lee Morse, Esther Walker, Josephine Baker, Annette Hanshaw, Ruth Etting and Helen Kane (songs are in chronological order) ; tracklist : 01 - - MARGARET YOUNG - Oh! By Jingo! (1920) 3:23 0 02 - - MARION HARRIS Everybody but me (1920) 3:01 0 03 - - MARION HARRIS I’m nobody’s baby (1921) 3:15 0 04 - - MARION HARRIS Look for the silver lining (1921) 2:56 0 05 - - ADA JONES Ring ting-a-ling (1922) 2:06 0 06 - - AILEEN STANLEY & BILL MURRAY Oh! you beautiful baby (1922) 3:00 0 07 - - MARGARET YOUNG You better keep babying baby (1923) 3:11 0 08 - - MARGARET YOUNG A new kind of man (1924) 2:52 0 09 - - AILEEN ST
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